
Student Pool

Top 0.1% Students

In addition to IIITA, Institutes like IIT Kanpur, MNNIT Allahabad, IIT BHU etc. will be participating in the Fest and will be available to hire as interns. Admissions in these colleges require intensive testing and students lying in the top 0.1% on an approximation can only make it into them, giving you an access to hire the best minds in the entire nation all at same spot and without any constraints of stream or year.

Top Ranked College on Online Judges

IIIT Allahabad is ranked 1, in the entire nation in the college rankings of online coding platforms like SPOJ and visible dominance on coding platforms like CodeChef, TopCoder, Hackerearth are some of the indicators of the intellect of the students that the college produces.

Acing every domain

Carrying the legacy of Harsha Suryanaraya, a.k.a., HumbleFool, the IIITA students master the art of competitive coding, development and many other technical skills. The students also excel in non-technical activities like content writing, media marketing, photography and a lot more. The skills possessed by the students are enhanced with the prevailing Cultural societies and Geekhaven, the technical society of IIITA.